Email: bbc2129 [at] columbia [dot] edu
ORCID logo 0000-0003-4582-8461


Strengthening Partnerships with Faculty.” [Forthcoming] Invited speaker for the JoVE Webinars for Librarians series, February 2025.

Data Literacy in Context: Leveraging Resources with Intent.” [Forthcoming] Invited speaker for the From Principles to Practice: Data Literacy in Academic Libraries webinar series (Week 3: Tailoring Data Literacy to Diverse Student Needs) by the Data Literacy for Community College project, February 2025.

Integrating Open Government Data Perspectives within Data Literacy Efforts.” Poster presentation to the IASSIST (International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology) and CARTO (Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives) Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, May 2024.

The AI Chatbot Frontier: Navigating the Ever-Changing Landscape as a Librarian.” Lightning talk for the Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation (IPLC) Research, Teaching, and Learning Affinity group’s Spring 2024 Event: Generative AI Roundup and Rodeo, March 2024.

Building a Traveling Exhibit.” Presented with Susanne Caro and Jennifer Kirk for the Federal Depository Library Program Academy, April 2023.

Leveraging Critical Literacies to Orient Social Justice-Minded Teaching Practices in Digital and Data Librarianship.” Invited speaker for Librarians for Critical Digital Justice, a webinar sponsored by the Department of Information Studies at the University College London, March 2023.

Immersing Graduate Students in Inclusive Pedagogical Practices at Digital Scholarship Hubs.” Presented with Elizabeth Brooks and Jacob Swisher to the Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference, October 2022.

“Pre-Workshop Team Meetups: How to Set Up for Success.” Lightning talk presented to CarpentryCon, August 2022.

How Graduate Student Fellows Enhance What a Center for Digital Scholarship Does.” Presented to the Transforming Libraries for Graduate Students Conference, March 2022.

Amplifying Library Efforts to Educate Faculty and Students about Research Data Management.” Poster submitted and accepted with Natalie Meyers and Matthew Sisk for the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, December 2021.

Introduction to R.” Two-day Library Carpentry workshop presented with Zhihong Xu to the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries, June 2021.

“Reflecting on Teaching Carpentries Workshops Online.” Lightning talk presented to the Research Data Access and Preservation Association Summit, March 2021.

“The U.S. Census: Then, Now, and Moving Forward.” Presented with Michael Deike and Matthew Sisk to Love Data Week, Navari Family Center for Digital Scholarship, Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame, virtual webinar, February 2021.

“Navigating Government Information.” Presented to the Treasure State Academic Information & Library Services webinars series, virtual webinar, January 2021.

Designing a New Model for Collaborative Traveling Exhibits.” Poster submitted and accepted with Susanne Caro and Jennifer Kirk for the Federal Depository Library Conference, virtual meeting, October 2020.

This Traveling Exhibit is a Disaster!” Presented with Susanne Caro and Jennifer Kirk to the Western States Government Information Conference, virtual meeting, August 2020.

Government Documents Exhibits: Planning and Developing Your Own.” Presented to the Federal Depository Library Program Academy, virtual webinar, June 2020.

Using Strategic Partnerships to Bridge the Data Skills Gap.” Submitted and accepted with Sara Mannheimer for the Montana Academic Library Symposium, May 2020 (cancelled).

Title 44 Modernization: Where Do We Go from Here?” Presented to the Annual Montana Federal Depository Library Meeting, virtual meeting, August 2019.

Credible or Incredible! Sources of Government Information.” Presented with Stephan Licitra to the Montana Library Association Annual Conference, Helena, MT, April 2019.

Libraries as Government Information Centers and Partners in Local/State Data Ecosystems.” Invited to present in a panel to the Montana Library Association Annual Conference, Helena, MT, April 2019.

Deconstructing Power and Expectations.” Presented with Samantha Buechler to the Montana Library Association Annual Conference, Bozeman, MT, April 2018.

Deconstructing Power and Expectations: A Means to Construct a Library of the Future.” Presented with Natalie Bond, Samantha Buechler, and Jaci Wilkinson to the University of Montana’s 12th annual diversity symposium, DiverseU, Missoula, MT, November 2017.

Cultural Transmission in Western North American Rock Art: A Phylogenetic Analysis of Ceremonial Shield-Bearing Warrior Motifs.” Presented to the College of Liberal Arts Graduate Student Symposium, Reno, NV, February 2015.

Reconstructing Proto-Historic Māori Land Use Using Spatial Analysis via Google Sketchup, Banks Peninsula, New Zealand.” Presented to the Geological Society of America 125th Anniversary Annual Meeting & Expo, Denver, CO, October 2013.

Chronostratigraphic Correlation of the Knox Dolomite via δ13Ccarb Chemostratigraphy and Lithostratigraphy: Deciphering the Future of Ohio’s Oil, Gas, and Waste Water Injections.” Presented to the Summer Scholar Science Poster Presentations at Denison University, Granville, OH, September 2013.

Balancing Historic Preservation and Sustainability.” Interpretation Program, Prince William Forest Park, National Park Service, Triangle, VA, August 2012.